This website is based on the research of one concerned citizen and does not necessarily represent the opinions of the people or organizations quoted here.
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                                                      Slated for demolition on August 03, 2011  October 15, 2011
                        Countdown:  It is finally here!
Located at 1601 Rockland Road Wilmington, Delaware 19803

Nemours gets the OK from DelDOT to demolish Little Murph

       Word arrived from Delaware State Senator Michael Katz that A. I. Nemours is closer to the event to demolish the historic Murphy House and to reject the plan presented to them by citizens of the community and the Delaware Greenways. 

     In an email addressed to several Murphy House preservationists, December 30, 2011:

"   I just left a voicemail/text for you....Just heard from Sect. Bhatt today concerning Murphy House...he is signing an amendment to the Declaration for Nemours...they can file with county Reg of Deeds and then proceed immediately to demolish the house. They already have a demolition permit.

    They may be in a position to demo the house Tuesday or Wed...Please call me to discuss options.

           Thank you.

  Michael S. Katz
  Delaware State Senator, 4th District"

A further clarification from Senator Katz:

The below details, while the terminology my not be completely accurate, are accurate as described to me today.

The bottom line is:

DELDOT is providing a letter that would amend the requirements that at a minimum: Nemours would be required to preserve the foundation of the Murphy House, place an historic marker/sign, and keep the place preserved as open space. I was informed that Nemours can, once they receive the letter, present it at the Recorder of Deeds and then proceed to demolition. I do not know if this is their intent at this time, but it is my understanding that they then have the ability to do so.

I have placed a call as well as an email to Dr. Kevin Churchwell, CEO of AI, to discuss the concerns of our community...below is an excerpt of that email:

..................I received a call today from Sect. Bhatt of Deldot informing me that a letter amending the declaration for the Murphy House would be signed.

I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you via phone to discuss the community's concerns about Nemour's intent to demolish this historic structure.

It was my understanding that Nemours was working with Delaware Greenways toward an agreement to preserve the House. I have just learned that these efforts have failed.

I believe that there still exist viable private sector options to preserve the house and to ensure that the house is transformed into a beautiful landmark at the entrance of A.I..

Please let me know the best way to schedule a time to speak with you via phone. I am including my cell number below which I carry with me 24/7.

Thank you for your consideration.