Meeting held at Nemours August 25th to discuss
Nemours' position on the Murphy House.
Listen to
the meeting
A meeting was held today, Thursday August 25, 2011, at
Nemours for parties interested in the Murphy House
salvation. It was hosted by Nemours and conducted by
Nemours Executive Director, Grace Gary. Also in
attendance from Nemours was John Grabusky, Director of
Public Relations, and George Meldrum, lobbyist for
Nemours. Representing government was New Castle County
councilman Bob Weiner and his aide Lou Hinkle, Delaware
State Senator Mike Katz, and Stephanie who represented
Delaware State Congressman Gregg Lavelle. From the
private sector were Judge James Hanby, Business person
Susan Teiser, Mary DeNadai senior partner of John Milner
Architects, and Larry Hoover (this reporter).
The cordial meeting lasted about one hour and covered
basic information about the offer Nemours has made to
assist in moving the house to another location. James
Hanby covered a little history of the ownership of the
house during the past decade. Grace Gary answered
questions from the group, stating Nemours' positions.
Points noted:
-Nemours has absolutely no short term or long term (5 to
10 years) plans for use of the land that Murphy House
sits on. It will remain a grassy lot. (Grace Gary).
-DelDOT does not have power to waive deed restriction,
only State of Delaware has that authority (James Hanby).
-Nemours "not likely" to make a bigger commitment than
they already have towards preserving the house (Grace
-October 15, 2011 is deadline for proposals to use the
-Site is currently zoned for office use, not commercial
use. 10% can be used for commercial.
-Site would need 13 parking spaces for an office, 17
spaces for medical use.
-$850K was Milner's estimate to make a prime office.
$250K to stabilize.
-Murphy House sits on one acre of ground (.96). Monetary
value of the one acre lot is approximately zero with the
current restrictions. (Nemours)
-$50K offered by Nemours is for non-profits only due to
Nemours bylaws.